Dimensions Borders

These prints add a new “dimension” to green screen. The layering effect of a foreground element combined with a coordinating background and optional personalization make them unique and irresistible! A 3/4 length image is recommended for use with the Dimensions Prints in order to have enough room to crop for believable perspective for the subject size within the scene.

Shipping: FOB Origin

Service Time

Images Ordered From Jan - Feb March - May June - July Aug - Dec
Orders with fewer than 800 images ordered from 1-2 days 3-4 days 1-2 days 4-5 days
Orders with more than 800 images ordered from 2-3 days 4-5 days 2-3 days 5-6 days


4 Wallets (Grasses with personalization only)    ■    5x7 (Grasses with personalization only)    ■    8x10 (all designs)

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Paper Types

Photographic Lustre    ■    Photographic Pearl

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May be used knockout images only. Background will be the knockout background shown in template

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how to order

To order this product download our hhschools software.

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Marketing Images

Open these files in Photoshop, add your own images and use them on your web site or in marketing brochures or catalogs.

download marketing images
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