Order Entry Services

Order Entry Services

Save time - let H&H take care of your school projects order entry and you will be free to focus on the photographic and customer service needs of your schools. It is our desire to make the School season as easy and seamless as possible for you!

Season Setup

Service Time: 4 weeks

Setup time is dependent upon the studio, but 4 weeks should be allowed. To be eligible, setup and approval must be completed by the following dates; spring season - March 1, fall season - July 1.

Interested in using Order Entry Services for your school portraits? Please complete the application and tell us about your upcoming season.

School Order Entry Services Application
Application Process Checklist

Our experience teaches us that the key to this is proper preparation in advance. Proper advance preparation will help potential problems surface early, allowing enough time to address and resolve these issues. This can only result in reducing pressure on the studio and school; thus helping you provide a successful school season for your clients!

Studio tasks

Complete and submit the School Order Entry Services Application for each season.


Order Entry Services tasks

Contact the studio’s representative and discuss and prepare for the upcoming season.

Project Setup

Service Time: Varies based on picture day

School Project Setup Form
Sample Subject Data

Studio tasks

Once approved, the studio will complete and provide the following information at least 2 weeks prior to each school’s picture day:

  • School Project Setup Form (complete one form for each project/school)
  • Subject Data File (students and staff for each project/school)


Order Entry Services tasks

The OES team will use the information from the studio to create one project per form. Once the project has been created by the OES team, a shoot packet will be sent to the studio containing:

  • Printed cards/labels with subject data (save all unused cards/labels to be used for Retake Day)
  • Blank cards/labels (save all unused cards after the shoot to be used for Retake Day)
  • Zip ties for camera cards
  • Shoot instructions
  • External hard drive or equivalent

Project Orders

Service Time: 1-5 days

Jan-Feb 1-2 days    ■    March-May 2-3 days    ■    June-July 1-2 days    ■    Aug-Dec 4-5 days

Proof Plan Order Form
School Package Order Form
Service Item Order Form
Online Post Only
FTP Instructions
Shoot Instructions

Studio tasks

After the school shoot is over, return the Shoot Packet to the OES team. The packet should contain the following:

  • Appropriate order form(s)
    • Proof Plan Order Form
    • Picture Day Package Order Form
    • Service Item Order Form
  • Hard drive or equivalent - with images sorted by each camera used
  • Downloaded text files from Opticon scanner - sorted by each camera used (if applicable)
  • Camera cards in shoot sequence - (zip-tied) by each camera used


Order Entry Services tasks

Upon receiving the packet containing all of the above information, the OES team will begin project maintanence including:

  • Match/input data from camera cards/labels
  • Edit per studio’s instructions
  • Crop per studio’s instructions
  • Submit order(s)
  • Provide feedback via report card (cropping, missing data, etc…)
  • Provide low-res backup of project to studio


Studio uses preprinted blank camera cards/labels.

  • Absentees – Use the pre-printed camera cards/labels that were not used during the first original shoot
  • Retakes – Use the blank camera card and include the subject’s information. Circle the word “retake” in the upper right corner of the card.
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Order Entry Service Team will release the school project to the studio for future management at the conclusion of the school year (June 30).

At the conclusion of the school year, the Order Entry Service team will export and provide fall and spring projects to the studio. The studio can request the school project be released for studio management at any time. However, once a project is released for studio management, it is not accepted back into the Order Entry Services program.

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By using this service, you are agreeing that in no event will H&H Color Lab (supplier) be liable to you or any third party for any incidental or consequential damages (including without limitation, indirect, special, punitive, or exemplary damages for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, or loss of business information) arising out of the use or inability to use the order entry service, or for any claim by any other party, even if the supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Supplier’s ability with respect to its obligations under this agreement or otherwise with respect to the service or otherwise shall not exceed the amount of the fee paid for by you for the service.