Program Information
Commission replacement provides the school an opportunity to make extra money through a “cash and carry” fundraising event, where the photographer offers the organization a photographic product to sell. The idea of commission replacement is to offer a set of “discounted” products that will cost the photographer less out-of-pocket than the commission he is paying now.
- Offer 1 of 5 products to your school
- Can only be ordered through hhsports or hhschools
- Must order one commission product for every individual photographed
- Commission products cannot be submitted with the package order - they must be submitted in a separate order
- Must sort by teams or groups
- Only one type of commission product per order
- Requires a coupon code when placing the order
Here is one example of how it can work...
- 500 athletes
- 400 are buyers (80%)
- $25 average purchase
- $10,000 in total sales
Model 1 – “$2 per package”
- Photographer gives organization or league $2 for each A,B,C package sold
- If there are 400 buyers at $2 each, the photographer pays $800 to the organization (8% of total sales)
Model 2 – “10% of total sale”
- Photographer gives organization or league 10% of all packages sold
- If there are 400 buyers at an average purchase of $25 each, the photographer pays $1,000 to the organization
- Photographer orders magnets (or another commission replacement product) from H&H at a cost of $1.15 per individual photographed.
- The photographer GIVES these to the organization in lieu of the commission ($575).
- The organization sells 350 of these magnets for $6 each, totaling $2,100
In this example, instead of the traditional commission:
- the organization GETS $2,100 ($1,300 more)!
- AND the photographer SAVES up to $425 (3% of total sales)!
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